wholesale 해ㅣㅇ body jewelry Will there be a little Java, there is an object -oriented programming foundation, is it very difficult to choose an entry Unity? How should I get started effectively?

wholesale 해ㅣㅇ body jewelry The entry I said specifically refers to the initially familiarity with the entire project structure and catalog. The easiest kind to be able to develop a complete mini -game independently!

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    data type, constant, variables, operators and expression rules
    Input and output methods, data type conversion
    branch structure, cycle, relationship operator, logic operator
    one -dimensional array and foreach cycle, bubbling sorting and two -dimensional array
    R nThe concept of object -oriented programming and object -oriented, the field members of the object
    The method of method types in the object type
    The attributes and method parameters in objects
    string string objects, packet packing The heavily load and recursive method of boxing, method of method n constructor and destruction function
    abstraction methods, virtual methods, polymorphism
    static drawing class, static and single design mode r r

    interface and generic
    collection, entrusted interface introduction, interface implementation of polymorphism
    R nstack (stack), Hashtable Book management system, table tennis duel
    The questions in the question library, including written test questions and on -board questions. Students need to answer
    unity engine
    R n The operation of the game object
    The creation and use of the prefabricated body
    3d basic theory

    Development ideas
    The concepts of script components and life cycles, and callback methods
    The common classes (Transform, VECTOR3,
    , Time, Mathf, Resources resource load)
    Input class, input configuration
    The collisioner-Collider component family
    Physical materials, rays, launch methods and heavy loads, character controllers
    The actual combat projects, tank wars, Helixjump, running galaxy, brick block, gold coin
    2D elf and UI sprite elf, an atlas of the atlas Cutting, packaging, computer 2D graphics foundation
    2D physical component (rigid body, collision device)
    2D animation creation-first recognition Animation
    2D development commonly used class, collision, trigger callback ntimeline production plot
    ugUI primary canvas Canvas initial
    uv coordinates, UI coordinates
    basic controls, composite control
    ugui layout and adaptation schemes
    ugui high -level Canvas rendering mode, adaptation mode introduction introduction
    The horizontal layout, vertical layout, grid layout component
    effect production, TOGGLE paging, QQ chat window
    UI multiple interaction methods, incident callbacks
    ugui case MVC design mode, small map production , Cases of position coordinates, backpacks, level selection
    The practical project fishing experts, fantasy Westward Journey, Super Mary, Cooling Le N Animation System Model Resource Analysis
    Animation Types, Avatar System
    animation nodes, animation status machine
    The original painting UV expansion; humanoid animation code control, character controller comprehensive application
    mocks system senior animation masks;
    ik animation;
    animation event;
    Animation curve
    unity advanced
    data durability, SQLite
    xml, JSON, CSV document read, Excel encryption access
    WWW and coroutine, threads and processes of processes, threads and processes Concept
    The design ideas and use of
    WWW classes, packaging request tool category
    http protocol (get, post)
    Class remote resource acquisition
    In resource loading and memory management
    The optimization solution for CPU, GPU, memory, and art resources
    Object pool technology
    fsm design mode
    fsm Case Character Control
    fsm Case-BUFFER System
    FSM Case-AI System
    Behavior Tree Game AI solution analysis;
    plug-in, code control
    I am this this There is a unity learning and exchange, which contains great gods and little white. You can dump the problem in the group, and share learning materials from time to time q.u.n. [887.207.898] q.u.n. R n code implementation ASTAR algorithm
    Shader graphics initial detection, basic knowledge;
    The fixed pipeline shade;
    top surface shames and surface shamers;
    shader cases
    network network UNET, HLAPI detailed explanation, online version of CS shooting;
    The web site construction based on ASP;
    sqlserver database access and access;
    data communication based on post request;
    socket programming foundation, basis, Formulate protocols, socket communication, data security
    The actual combat items
    The assessment of Yin Yang division, town magic music, wilderness operation, bubble hall
    This on the question library, including written test questions and on -board questions. Students need to answer within the specified time
    VR, AR
    VR-HTC Vive Steamvr SDK access and analysis
    esteamvr prefabricated body and case analysis
    controllers, head transforms, click event to get
    3d UI interaction
    archery, magic array drawing, fishing line transition
    performance optimization, reducing dizziness strategy
    ar-Qualcomm SDK AAR introduction and AR project display, commonly used SDK introduction
    VUFORIA account registration, upload of identification maps The download and use of the download and use of the production and data packets n mobile phone touch screen, gyroscope and publishing explanation
    project architecture and
    project management module packaging principle and specifications, universal framework, module packaging, message, message, message Central, module manager, communication module, editor extension tool writing
    The thermal renewal module (resource heat, logic heat), LUAUI architecture, LUASOCKET architecture, LUA database architecture, management rules, automatic packaging
    Team cooperation tools-SVN
    The comprehensive project students are based on groups, and they are divided into division of labor to complete at least one project, including:
    RPG role-playing games, ACT action games, AVG adventure games, SLG Strategic games, FPS first -person shooting games, PZL puzzle games, MSC music games, virtual simulation, VR display, AR games; project defense: students explain the team's project, assess the lecturers, simulate the technical interview link in the enterprise, Project defense
    The project defense
    and the review of the completion of the completion of the project packet, according to functional implementation, code specification, and completion degree

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